
a.k.a  Igla / Ig.la / ignorala /


Es un ensayo en construcción intermitente para aprender y desaprender sobre arte, por medio de ejercicios simples y sencillos basados en rastrear, husmear y conversar con artistas (y no artistas) sobre sus procesos, sus alter-egos, sus gustos tontos.

Este proyecto es un perro que se muerde la cola, torpe y ambiguo. Un proyecto en el que trabajamos desde intuiciones, circunstancias, visiones, espejismos y mentiras.

︎︎︎ Email: laignoranciaesunplacer@gmail.com              

︎︎︎ Instagram

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︎︎︎ Instagram
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The CraftHub Program call for entry invites the artists of the Master of Glass Art and
Science of VICARTE to participate in a dialogue and collective exhibition that will
approach different possibilities of thought, as well as material and conceptual
translations which enable the thinking and the making or viceversa.
Open call:
This open call is for VICARTE artists and students thinking, working, researching and
expressing their artistic curiosities through glass and ceramics, to participate in the
HACER-PENSAMIENTO, PENSAMIENTO-HACER questions the conflict between the
making and thinking, the artist or craftsmen’s idea - a binary and manichean conflict
which hides a gray area interesting and powerful in meaning, formats and

Therefore we ask the artists interested in participating about their process of creation:

_Where does your process begin?
_What comes firts: concept or creation?


- What is the artistic thinking? Where do ideas come from?
- Is Thought* what goes through consciousness, in the form of
image or filtered text by way of our experiences, concepts or
- Can Thought be found within an action?
- Is intuition a thought?
- Can Thought be found in an intention or reaction?
- Is it possible to make without thinking? Is it possible to think without making?
- Is Thought and imagination the same thing?
- Does Thought have a reflection in matter? Or does matter
reflect thoughts?

*Thought: formation of ideas and mental objects; reasoning; rationalization; interpretation;
reflection; understanding; anticipation; contemplation; ideation; intuition; introspection;
perceiving; realising; conclusion; intention; expectation; hope; understanding; seeing.
